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 Name: Marie Sophie Alexine Wagner

Birthdate: 24.10.1991 (Age 26)

Marie Sophie Alexine was born as the second child of a German army officer who was positioned at the French border where he met Marie's Mom. She has an older brother.

Marie made her first experiences on a horses's back at 7 years old. At the age of 14 her parent's bought her a small Cheval de selle Francais who was called 'Anouk'. The bay mare sadly passed away 3 years ago.

During her academic studies she got best friends with Claire and Emilia, the latter introduced her to Georg.


Fun facts 

-her dad is German her mum is french (that's where her French name derive from)

- she is a vegetarian and her favourite food is anything pasta-related

- her favourite dog is her black German sheperd called 'Delphi' and her Doberman 'Whiskey'

- she is fluent in English, French and Greek

- she's only 1,60m tall

- she studied sports and health management

- she loves to work out and to keep herself physical fit

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